Farewell Georgia Dome. I will always remember:
--Circling high above you in the Goodyear Blimp when you were just a big hole in the ground.
--The “Good Times and Great Oldies” we shared at the, oh so many, Fox 97 Ultimate Oldies Concerts.
--That special moment at the 1993 concert when your big screen read … “This show is dedicated to the memory of Duffy Janssen.” (My late wife, who had passed away just four months earlier.)
--The incredible experience of the 1996 concert when over 40,000 friends celebrated the happiest day of my life … Janet and my “wedding reception.” (Janet still wishes we had done the dollar dance that evening.)
--Super Bowl XXVIII in January 1994 when a small group of us from Fox 97 were midfield anchoring a giant, inflatable Vince Lombardi Trophy as the Buffalo Bills and Dallas Cowboys rushed past us during the opening ceremonies. (Also standing along the sidelines during the first quarter and meeting Joe Namath, Jerry Jones, and OJ Simpson (who may have borrowed my gloves even though they were too small for him.)
--The 1996 Olympics when I took my oldest daughter to watch the gymnastics competition.
Yes, Georgia Dome, as of 7:30 Monday morning you will be gone. But for me … never forgotten.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017
The Detour
Wednesday, July 1,1970. The day that changed the direction of my life. I had graduated from high school the previous year, I was working my dream job at a radio station in Peru, Illinois (WGSY) and I was feeling pretty darn good about my future. And then … the Vietnam draft lottery happened. I was on the air at the radio station when the lottery numbers were being drawn. Our AP (Associated Press) teletype machine was spitting out the lottery numbers between the “more important” events of the day. (Kids … this is how radio stations received the news back in the day. Sort of like receiving a one-way text, on paper, from a big, old clunky typewriter.) Clank-clank-clank with the teletype. Thump-thump-thump went my heart as I anxiously waited to see what my draft lottery number would be. In the radio studio, I introed a song (CCR – “Fortunate Son”), quickly popped out of the room, rushed down the hall to the teletype and began to scan several yellow pages of the latest news to see if I could find my birthday and the corresponding draft number. As luck would have it, my birthday was being typed as I stood next to the AP machine. April 16 … clank-clank-clank … 3 … clank-clank-clank … 1 … clank-clank-clank-clank-clank … carriage return … April 17 … clank-clank-clank … 2 … clank-clank-clank … 6 … clank-clank-clank … 4 … clank-clank-clank-clank-clank … carriage return. WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Why did my birthday only have TWO numbers! This can’t be right!!! Seriously, 31 is my draft number???? My head was spinning … and “Fortunate Son” was ending. I rushed back to the studio just as CCR was fading to start my next song … Country Joe & the Fish “I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag.” (OK, the part about playing Country Joe is not true. But that’s what I should have played.) The fact is … I can’t remember much of anything that happened that Wednesday after my draft number of 31 appeared on the teletype. However, I do remember the next day.
(To be continued …)
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
NCAA March Sadness
#RickPitino #ncaascandal #NCAABribery #ncaabasketball #adidasscandal #MarchSadness pic.twitter.com/dCP6vPt99K— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) September 27, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Pumpkin Patch Scarecrow
#Retirees often look for a #PartTimeJob to help supplement their #income. May I suggest a seasonal position as a #Pumpkin Patch #scarecrow. pic.twitter.com/Z2nPk7bLhv— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) September 6, 2017
Thursday, August 24, 2017
RIP Jay Thomas
So sad to hear of the passing of Jay Thomas. Jay inducted us (Randy & Spiff) into the Georgia #Radio Hall of Fame in 2011. #RIPJAYTHOMAS pic.twitter.com/OrUqdQos5x
— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) August 24, 2017
World Wide Web?
Took this photo today. Reminded me of a quote from a book I read many years ago that sadly rings very true today. #EBWhite #sad #web pic.twitter.com/RNZEjm9oiP— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) August 24, 2017
Monday, August 21, 2017
Eclipse 2017
Is going blind watching the eclipse true? Because I was told I would go blind doing something else and I still have my vision.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Fire and Fury
What if fire hydrants were small robots from an alien planet? What if they have been dormant for years just waiting for the code words "FIRE and FURY" to activate them?
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
I accidentally went to see Dunkin' instead of #Dunkirk. A #documentary about #donuts. Concession stand was amazing! #dunkindonuts— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) July 25, 2017
Friday, July 21, 2017
Russia, Russia, Russia
All I see or hear on the news is "Russia, Russia, Russia." I just wish they would change it up every now and then.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Just got back from a sneak-peek of “Dunkirk.” Amazing movie. Incredibly well done. Riveting. For those of you who like super hero movies, I suggest you watch “Dunkirk” to see what real super heroes are made of. After all, it’s easy to have courage if you have a super power … but it’s something unbelievably special to see the courage displayed by ordinary men and women in a battle of life and death. If you get a chance, go see “Dunkirk.”
Sunday, July 16, 2017
Monday, July 3, 2017
Radio Legends
This is my old Ross radio that was my faithful companion while in high school. During the day, I would listen to WLS in Chicago with Larry Lujack (Unlce Lar), Tommy Edwards (Lil’ Snot-nose Tommy), Chuck Buell, Ron Riley and Art Roberts. At night, I would turn the dial to KMOX in St. Louis to listen to Jack Buck and Harry Caray as they so colorfully brought the Cardinals to life for me. These men taught me more about how to have fun and be successful in radio than any course I took or book I studied. Thanks guys!
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Monday, May 29, 2017
Thursday, May 18, 2017
I'm just the guy with the girl everybody wants to know

Fast forward to May 18, 1996. As I stood at the alter holding hands with Janet while gazing into her sparkling brown eyes, I silently counted my blessings and resisted with all of my willpower the urge to run through the church giving high-fives to all of my friends while shouting “Can you believe that this incredibly beautiful, talented and loving woman is marrying me?!” My mind swirled and the sound of angelic singing brought me back to the alter. It was Janet singing to me and ME only … “Grow Old with Me.”
Here it is 21 years later and I still feel like racing down the street giving out high-fives and telling anyone who will listen … “I am married to the most marvelous, gifted, loving, caring, stunning woman in the world!”
Happy 21st Anniversary Janet! I love you more and more each passing day.
(TBT photo that Janet gave me the Christmas before we were married. One of my favorites of my most amazing wife.)
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Butt Dial
To hold my Butt Dialing to a minimum, I keep my phone in my front pocket. However, when I accidentally dial my wife, she tells me when I get home ... "your little buddy called me today." I think I'll start putting my phone in my back pocket again.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Lawn Chair Humanity
I remember, as a youth, my dad and mom sitting on those cheap, folding lawn chairs out in front of our opened garage. They were not alone. Neighbors all along the street were doing the same thing. Riding my bike down the street, I would get the friendly wave … a cheerful greeting … or the occasional “how about those Bulldogs?” (Our high school mascot was a Bulldog.) I could also keep tab on the Cubs as day baseball was in style and living in Illinois, Cub fans had their transistor radios tuned to WGN while sitting out on their driveways.
Today, it appears to me, that many people have disconnected from humanity by connecting to the internet. You can often find them, not sitting in the front of the house making face-to-face human contact, but “out back” on their deck or patio keeping tabs on their kids via text messages … annoying their Facebook friends with political rants … or anonymously using social media to “stir up the pot” on political, sports and social issues. I can’t remember ever overhearing my folks talk about not being friends with someone just because they were a democrat or republican. Dan, that rabid republican next door sure was nice for bringing over some of his delicious garden-grown tomatoes for no reason at all. And widow Brown, that die-hard democrat, sure was generous with those mouthwatering apple pies she so often shared. My dad was just as generous. He often sent me to Mrs. Brown’s house to mow her tiny lawn for her … just because it was the right thing to do.
I’m sure that I’m looking at the past through rose-colored glasses … but it does seem to me like people were less confrontational back in the day.
For my part, I’m off to “the Walmart” to get a cheap, yet colorful aluminum lawn chair. I’ll park myself out in front of the garage, leaving my smart phone inside the house. I’ll wave at the passersby’s … talk to the kids on their bikes … and on occasion shout out, “how about those Dawgs!” If I have not received a cease and desist email from my HOA in a week or so, I will pat myself on my back for reintroducing a teeny bit of humanity to the neighborhood.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Book of Spiff 7:55
When I find something I lost, I continue the search so that I can say, "I found it the second to last place I looked."
Spiff 7:55
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Book of Spiff 3:41
Been using voice recognition texting.
It's nothing to write home about.
Spiff 3:41
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Book of Spiff 8:18
You're retired and in a public restroom
where a sign reads,
"Wash hands before returning to work!"
What do you do?
"Spiff 8:18"
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Book of Spiff 5:57
Have you noticed that companies have made it easier for you to pay your bill and harder to for you to contact customer service?
"Spiff 5:57"
Book of Spiff 10:17
Television Network Newscast:
50% Bad News
5% Good News
45% Opinionated News
100% Worthless
"Spiff 10:17"
Monday, March 27, 2017
The Politician's Heart
Once upon a time a doctor tells his patient, “I’ve got bad news and good news for you.”
“Give me the bad news first,” the patient says.
“You need a heart transplant immediately,” replies the doc.
“What’s the good news?” the patient asks.
The doctor says, “I’ve got two potential donors. One was a 23-year-old vegetarian who won a gold medal in the Olympic marathon. He was run over by a truck while training. The other was a 53-year-old lifelong politician who weighed 230 pounds, smoked four packs of cigarettes and ate a two-pound steak with buttered potatoes every day for 30 years. He was shot by an irate constituent."
“I’ll take the politician's heart,” the patient says.
“Why would you want to do such a thing?” asked the doctor.
The patient replies …
“I want a heart that hasn’t been used.”
“Give me the bad news first,” the patient says.
“You need a heart transplant immediately,” replies the doc.
“What’s the good news?” the patient asks.
The doctor says, “I’ve got two potential donors. One was a 23-year-old vegetarian who won a gold medal in the Olympic marathon. He was run over by a truck while training. The other was a 53-year-old lifelong politician who weighed 230 pounds, smoked four packs of cigarettes and ate a two-pound steak with buttered potatoes every day for 30 years. He was shot by an irate constituent."
“I’ll take the politician's heart,” the patient says.
“Why would you want to do such a thing?” asked the doctor.
The patient replies …
“I want a heart that hasn’t been used.”
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
CumuLOST Media
Sometimes you play little mind games to kill some time. For example, I follow the stock market and noticed that Cumulus Media (the company that changed 106.7 from Atlanta's Greatest Hits to All News, and fired Randy and me) had a closing stock price of 41 cents a share today. I did a little research and some top notch ciphering (after removing my shoes so that I use both my fingers and toes when counting) and came up with this: If you would had invested $10,000 in Cumulus Media on the day they fired us back in late 2011 ... today that stock would be worth ... wait for it ...
$183.04. (That includes a 8-1 reverse stock split)
During that time the DJIA has gone up over 81%. In other words, you would have over $18,000 if you had invested that ten grand in a stock index fund back in late 2011.
Now, I'm not saying the Cumulus Media stock crashed because they fired Randy & Spiff. I imagine the stock price today would be worth even less if they kept us because I would have demanded an incredible salary to stay with such a mismanaged company. Anyway ... I've killed some time and feel happy that I did not invest in Cumulus Media.
$183.04. (That includes a 8-1 reverse stock split)
During that time the DJIA has gone up over 81%. In other words, you would have over $18,000 if you had invested that ten grand in a stock index fund back in late 2011.
Now, I'm not saying the Cumulus Media stock crashed because they fired Randy & Spiff. I imagine the stock price today would be worth even less if they kept us because I would have demanded an incredible salary to stay with such a mismanaged company. Anyway ... I've killed some time and feel happy that I did not invest in Cumulus Media.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
RIP Chuck Berry
RIP Chuck Berry. I will always remember that night in the Georgia Dome (Fox 97 Ultimate Oldies Concert) when you handed me your Guitar cable, looked at me, smiled and said ... "Plug it in!" I popped it into the amp, and then Randy and I introduced you to the crowd and you "duck walked" across the stage like a twenty year old kid! Great music ... great memories. Thanks.
Just let me hear some of that Rock And Roll Music,
Any old way you choose it;
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it,
Any old time you use it.
It's gotta be Rock And Roll Music,
If you want to dance with me,
If you want to dance with me.
If you closely at tonight's sunset ... you may be able to see Chuck streaking towards Heaven in the lower portion of the photo. (Or ... it's a plane.)
Just let me hear some of that Rock And Roll Music,
Any old way you choose it;
It's got a back beat, you can't lose it,
Any old time you use it.
It's gotta be Rock And Roll Music,
If you want to dance with me,
If you want to dance with me.
If you closely at tonight's sunset ... you may be able to see Chuck streaking towards Heaven in the lower portion of the photo. (Or ... it's a plane.)
Friday, March 10, 2017
Insert Twilight Zone music here
I am not a huge believer in the paranormal … but, this morning something interesting happened. Today would have been my late wife Duffy’s birthday. As I was getting something from the bottom cabinet of my office bookshelf, I heard something move and out of the corner of my eye saw an item falling off the top shelf. Luckily, I was able to grab the falling object before it hit the floor. That object just happened to be a small chalkboard in which Duffy (well over 24 years ago) had chalked a hand written message. It once hung by the back door to our home. That little chalkboard had been on that shelf for years and years. Why, today on what would have been Duffy’s birthday, it decided to fall … I have no idea. Moments before I was telling Janet how much I loved her, so perhaps Duffy was just showing me that she was happy with how my life after her turned out.
Or, I just closed the cabinet door too hard and it jarred the chalkboard off the shelf. I think I’ll go with the paranormal explanation. (Insert Twilight Zone theme music in your head now.)
Or, I just closed the cabinet door too hard and it jarred the chalkboard off the shelf. I think I’ll go with the paranormal explanation. (Insert Twilight Zone theme music in your head now.)
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Ash Wednesday
When I was a kid I thought #AshWednesday was when dad burnt the steaks on the #grill. #LongDayAgo #memories
— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) March 1, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Mystery of #AcademyAwards blunder solved! Backstage photo shows Spiff Carner and actor/comedian #JayThomas preparing to Punk the #Oscars pic.twitter.com/sFoeTCYmJW— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) February 28, 2017
Apparently the #Russians #hacked the official accountant of the #Oscars #PricewaterhouseCoopers. Well played, #Putin, #wellplayed.— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) February 27, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Help! I can't get up.
You know you are doing a pretty good job at grand-parenting when:
A---After an overnight stay, your granddaughter cries and doesn't want to leave.
B---The moment she does leave, you both collapse from exhaustion on the floor and regret not having a "First Alert" necklace because you know it will be two to three days before you have the strength to move.

A---After an overnight stay, your granddaughter cries and doesn't want to leave.
B---The moment she does leave, you both collapse from exhaustion on the floor and regret not having a "First Alert" necklace because you know it will be two to three days before you have the strength to move.

Sunday, February 19, 2017
Monday Morning Mugshots
Time to take our minds off of politics, facebook rants, fake news, etc.
Introducing Monday Morning Mugshots!
Put up a mugshot from your past, make one, or post a photo of yourself that would make a good mugshot. Have fun ... and see you in lockup!
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Spring Training
To make 43-year-old Bartolo Colón feel a lot younger, the Braves invited 60-something Spiff Carner to Spring Training. Unfortunately I tested positive for Metamucil and will miss the rest of the season.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Babbling Brook
Although I am not certain, I believe that today I stumbled upon that “Babbling Brook” we’ve all heard about so often. As I sat in this quiet serene place, with the soothing sounds of water flowing over the rocks, I listened closely to the brook hoping it would encompass me with its’ age-old wisdom. However, after about five minutes I realized that the brook was just repeating itself over and over again. I walked away … but for some time continued to hear the brook babble on and on as if I really cared about anything it was saying.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Pats 34 Falcons 28
Plan to protest because the #Falcons outplayed the #Pats 3 of 4 quarters. Never mind the rule of "most points win." #NotMySuperBowlChamps— Spiff Carner (@spiffhappens) February 6, 2017
Friday, February 3, 2017
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
Friday, January 6, 2017
Sunday, January 1, 2017
South Africa fun!
Visited Pilanesberg National Park while in South Africa. Big animals and big fun! CLICK HERE for some of the photos I snapped.

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