Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Shopping for a Chair

I’m in our bathroom, thinking about this week’s challenge and nothing is coming to mind. So, I grab one of my wife’s magazines, conveniently located next to the throne (for those extra-long bathroom visits,) and lo and behold … right there on the cover of the publication … CHAIRS! Luckily, I did not jump up and scream “Eureka!” That would have been embarrassing. Instead, I decided to tell a story of a lonely man who was without a proper chair to sit on. Off to the bedroom where I attached my camera to a tripod, set the timer to 10 seconds and raced back and forth to a tiny red seat until a halfway decent photo was snapped. Bam! Challenge done. I then returned to the throne to make sure I had put the seat back down before my wife came home. The end.

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