Monday, January 12, 2009

What the heck is this???

Found this weird looking ice in my birdbath this morning. Sorta looks like the fickle finger of fate. How does something like this form? Any ideas? I didn't see a twig or anything that the ice could have formed around. It's a mystery.


Bill Naivar said...

That's not a bird bath, it's a Sundial.

Anonymous said...

The maple leaf is being shown its way to Toronto by inductive wine currents created by flocks of Canada geese migrating back to Canada

Bill Naivar said...

I think I figured it out. The leaf had a spider web on it when it fell into the birdbath. The dew ran down the spider web and froze on the surface of the water and continued to build up. That's why the ice is thinnest at the very end.

Spiff said...

I like your theory Bill. It actually makes sense. I'm going with it ... or Aliens.