Thursday, February 27, 2025

We Have Moved!

 Spiff Happens blog 
has moved.  

Please visit us at

Spiff Street

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Feed Me!

Waiting for me to refill the feeders.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

College digs

50 years ago: This is an interior shot of where I lived while attending college. $115 a month during spring and fall semesters, $85 a month during the summer semester. Fully furnished! I added the Flokati rug which I purchased when living on Crete. The bathroom was off the kitchen, just past the fridge on the left. You can see my entertainment center on the floor. An AM/FM/Shortwave radio. Photo was taken from my living room that had a beat-up couch and a coffee table inlaid with cigarette burns from the previous occupant. Pretty nice, huh? 

UPDATE: 02.15.25 -- I just looked up this apartment on Zillow and it now rents for $549 a month. And here is a line in the description that really would seal the deal to a prospective renter, "The Building Is Even Situated So You Can Look Outside And See Your Car In The Parking Lot." Sign me up!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Hole

“So, what you’re telling me is … you were on a call when you dropped your phone. It bounced twice and then disappeared down this hole. Then you attempted to retrieve it by shoving your arm in the hole. At which time, your wedding ring slipped off your finger and vanished into the darkness. And now, that squeaky voice we hear echoing up, from who knows where, is your agitated wife demanding you answer her now, or else. Do I have that right?” 

“No. The phone only bounced once.”

Thursday, January 2, 2025