Saturday, December 21, 2024

Monday, December 16, 2024

Time Tunnel

And just like that, Edna and Myrtle’s Christmas wish came true as they were suddenly grabbed and pulled through the Time Tunnel back to the days of their youth. Their husbands, Roy and Larry, would not file missing persons reports until well after the college football playoffs concluded.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Early Voting

Georgia added a new twist to their early voting. On the way in they give you a clothespin for your nose, on the way out you get the sticker that you voted. I like it.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Dirty job, but someone has to do it.

When you plan poorly for retirement and are forced to take the first available job to make ends meet.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Probably not true

A long time ago, I heard a story about two very good friends who served together in the Army. Unfortunately, during a very fierce battle, both men were wounded, but thankfully survived. However, one man lost his left leg and the other man lost his right leg. Being such close friends, and both having amazing senses of humor, they decided to meet once a year at a different shoe store, act like they didn’t know each other, and have a little fun with the store associate as they tried on various pairs of shoes and finally settled on one pair that they each liked. They would ask for two separate bags, argue a bit over who got the box, and then exit the store leaving the bewildered employee with a tale he was bound to tell for years and years. I always thought that it was just a story. But today, I believe I stumbled upon those two men in Glover Park. And, from the looks of it, they also have similar tastes in shirts. And now you know … the rest of the story.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

That's Nice!

For hosting last evenings Friends of Georgia Radio 3rd Annual Celebration, Randy and I both received, as last year’s host Ernie Johnson Jr. so eloquently put it, “a nice firm stool.” Nuff said.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Time Travel?

I accidentally swerved into the "Time Travel Lane" in Cartersville.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Making Memories

I recently had a class reunion and reconnected with my two best friends from high school. We retold our favorite stories (embellished, of course,) and enjoyed a wonderful trip down memory lane. The only thing missing … photos from our younger days when we were out and about just messing around. What I wouldn’t give for some snapshots of our most excellent adventures together. So, when these four young guys approached me last night on the Marietta Square and asked if I would take a few photos of them just horsing around, I said “sure.” I hope that years from now when these friends get together, they will remember their adventures and will have photos like these that can jog their memories and bring smiles to their faces.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Time Travel

March 10, 2024: I've done it! My experiment in Time Travel has proven successful. Unbeknownst to hundreds of millions of people who were fast asleep, I managed to push time forward in most of the United States by 60 minutes. This will no doubt cause mass confusion and likely a decline in Sunday morning Church attendance. I must now somehow find a way to reverse this forward time travel. If my calculations are correct, it will take months before I'm able to harness the curvature of time. Hopefully I'll be able to return to absolute time in the fall. --- Professor Spiff Carner (No relation to Spaceman Spiff)

Friday, March 1, 2024


Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Road Not Taken

"I shall be telling this with a sigh ... Somewhere ages and ages hence ... Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, ... I took the one less traveled by, ... And that has made all the difference."

The Road Not Taken --- Robert Frost

(Marietta Square)

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Those Were The Days

21 years ago yesterday (1/31/2003) Cox Radio pulled the plug on Fox 97. Gads! 21 years ago? Seriously? Seems like just yesterday, or the day before yesterday at the most. A little less than nine years later in October 2011, "The Randy & Spiff" show was taken off life support ending our incredibly fun (thanks to all of you) run on the airwaves of Atlanta. 

Cue Mary Hopkin! 

♫Once upon a time there was a station 
Where we used to spin a disc or two 
Remember how we laughed away the hours 
Good Times and Great Oldies we would do. 

Those were the days my friend 
We thought they'd never end 
We’d play the songs we loved in our heyday 
We'd live the life we choose 
We'd fight and never lose 
For we were young and sure to have our way. 

Then the busy years went rushing by us 
Fox 97 died along the way 
If by chance you see me in the Walmart 
We'll smile at one another and we'll say 

Those were the days my friend 
We thought they'd never end 
We’d play the songs we loved in our heyday 
 We'd live the life we choose 
We'd fight and never lose 
For we were young and sure to have our way. 
La la la la...Those were the days, oh yes those were the days♫

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sugar High?

Well, I've gone and done it again. Janet has banned me from the kitchen for the next week because I snorted the powder sugar she was planning to use on our apple turnovers. The shame is real.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hanger History

As I grabbed my winter coat from our closet today, I noticed this old hanger that I had gotten from my folks. Of course, I had to Google “The Elms” to see where this hanger came from. Turns out that the story of The Elms began with the discovery of healing mineral waters in Excelsior Springs, Missouri in the late 1800s. 

In the 1930s, The Elms Hotel was a playground and health spa for the well-to-do. Management brought in prominent citizens from all walks of life as well as both sides of the law. Politicians, sports stars, and crime figures created a heady combination of hotel guests. Al Capone, “Pretty Boy” Floyd, and Bugsy Moran reportedly hosted illegal gambling and bathtub gin parties. Police tried to raid The Elms during Prohibition on several occasions. During one memorable attempt, the police busted in on a cocktail party that included the Governor of Missouri. The Governor memorably told the cops to go out and bust someone who was “really breaking the law.” Jack Dempsey and the New York Giants visited and trained there. In 1948, 

The Elms hosted its most famous guest. Harry S Truman checked into The Elms in secrecy on November 2, 1948, accompanied by six secret service agents. The President wanted to enjoy the quiet graciousness of the hotel and escape the stress of the Democratic campaign headquarters in Kansas City on Election Day. 

One old hanger, one interesting trip down the Google rabbit hole.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Glasses Tree

I had to start wearing glasses my freshman year of high school. Being an active kid, I often found myself bending the frames, scratching the lenses, or simply destroying pair after pair. Every time I had a glasses mishap and needed to get them replaced, my mom would say to me, through clenched teeth … “You know, glasses don’t grow on trees!” So, imagine my surprise, when hiking a Kennesaw Mountain trail today, when I stumbled upon … a Glasses Tree. There it was, plain as day … not three feet off the path. Perhaps, when I was a kid, there were not any Glasses Trees. That could be the only explanation.